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SPINNER Rounds Out 5G-Compatible Portfolio for the Mobile Communications Market

Over the last several months, SPINNER has developed and begun selling a large number of broadband distributed antenna system (DAS) components. The goal is to seamlessly cover the entire range from 380 MHz to 3800 MHz.

We have also introduced yet another key component: a new 5G coupler. This means that now our product portfolio includes one or more components in every DAS product group (splitters, tappers, antennas etc.), covering the entire frequency spectrum from PMR to 5G. It is therefore now possible to use SPINNER components to build broadband DAS networks that can accommodate additional frequency bands without the need for any modifications.

With SPINNER mobile solutions for in-building applications, our customers are well prepared for all eventualities. The individual systems are available in a wide variety of versions that now also include 5G-ready products.

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