The young company grew by leaps and bounds, and soon its first base in Linprunstrasse in Munich, with administration and production under one roof, was bursting at the seams. A search began for a suitable plot of land, applying the time-honored motto of “we’ll only buy what we can afford, and our money also has to be enough to build there.”
A site at Erzgiessereistrasse 33, finally, met all of their criteria, with an added benefit: it contained a couple of shacks that had previously been used to store beer but could be quickly converted into a “new” machine shop.
The company moved there in December 1959 and began operating with a makeshift power supply and a single water tap. The old rooms in Linprunstrasse were retained for a while, since they were needed for production. Georg Spinner and his wife Erika spent the next two years living and working in the middle of a construction project that provided 6000 m² of production and office space, initially enough to meet requirements while taking advantage of every last square inch of the property.
Production and parts of administration were later gradually shifted to a new site that was acquired in Westerham (about 50 km south of Munich) in 1966, but Erzgiessereistrasse 33 is still the company’s headquarters today.
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