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One connector bundles all connections: Market launch of the Cluster Connector

New mobile transmission technologies are emerging while antennas and base stations are shrinking. This is increasing the requirements that connectors must meet. We are responding to them with an ingenious idea: a cluster that integrates the whole range of connection types, from coaxial across DC to AISG and fiber optics.

Self-driving vehicles, the Internet of Things, virtual reality: all of these technologies are now taking off. This is naturally increasing the pressure on mobile communication networks to support them. A wide spectrum of transmission and connection technologies have already appeared, and they in turn will inevitably spawn a steady stream of new versions and adaptations. This trend is mirrored in mobile communication equipment: typically a whole gamut of different connections already emerge from base stations or feed into mobile antennas: coax, DC, AISG, fiber optics … the list goes on and on.

To make it easier to manage this diversity, SPINNER has developed a concept that bundles connectors in an array. The SPINNER Cluster Connector works like a container that merges multiple technologies, accepting multiple kinds of connectors to funnel them to an antenna or other equipment. The current plans for the SPINNER Cluster Connector call for it to initially support 2.2-5, 1.5-3.5, NEX10 as RF interfaces, DC, AISG and fiber optics.

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